The Business Book explains the procedures for resolutions. The NSNA President appoints the NSNA Resolutions Committee with Board approval. This Committee reviews all resolutions submitted to ensure workable implementation before resolutions are presented to the House of Delegates. Specifically, the committee edits, rewrites, or combines resolutions; consult with the makers of all resolutions; and rejects those resolutions that are considered unfeasible, submitted after the deadlines, or duplicate existing NSNA policies.
Resolution Hearings
Mandatory attendance for delegates. See Business Book for resolutions procedures. Resolutions Hearings are March 24 and March 25 from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm EDT.
Resolution Roundtables
Authors for the resolutions that were heard at the 2025 NSNA virtual Resolution Hearings will be available at information tables to informally meet with delegates to answer questions.